Thursday, 08 August 2024
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Launching Aerospace Careers with EAA’s AeroEducate

Webinar Presented by the NASAO Center for Aviation Research & Education
Monday, August 19, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ET

The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) has taken a giant leap forward in engaging K-12 youth with a robust online resource platform that encourages youth to explore all aspects of aviation and aerospace opportunities. Launched at the AirVenture 2022 Expo, AeroEducate now has 60,000 youth enrolled, 2,000 educators enrolled, more than 200 activities available, and an outstanding list of program benefits including transcripts, resumes, mentors, and post-secondary schooling and scholarship opportunities. Financially supported by United Airlines, Siemens Engineering, and Airbus Industries, plus dozens of content providers, this presentation will show what AeroEducate is, what it can do, and how you can tag-team in to expand and elevate the efficacy of AeroEducate.

• (Moderator) Mike McHugh, Aviation Education Coordinator for the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission and NASAO Aviation Education Committee Chair
• Paul Maloy, M.Ed., PPL, Director of Education, EAA

Forward this email to any educators who might be interested in attending this complimentary webinar! The recording will be made available to those who register.

If you have questions about the webinar, please e-mail

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