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  Saturday, 13 April 2024
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  751 Visits
In our continuing effort to add resources for the general public to the DHEDF website ,I am pleased to share with you the news that we have added two new resources:

1) Listing of sources of Scholarships – see ;and

2) Listings of sources of post high school aviation/aerospace programs - see

If you know of any listings of Scholarships or of any post high school aviation/aerospace programs that we should share please send me the link(s) for our review and possible posting or if you are a subscriber to this STEM Forum you may post the information in the comment section below.

Feel free to share this message with others if you wish to do so. Also, FYI these links are accessible if you visit any of the pages on in the upper right side of each page there are three hash marks, if you click on them a menu will appear ,including for “Scholarships” or “Programs”. If you click on those, they will take you to the respective pages.

Thanks for your help and participation in the DHEDF STEM Forum.

All the best

Wayne I. Fagan | Chair
Dee Howard International Education Foundation
9901 IH 10 West, Suite 800 |San Antonio, Texas 78230
P: 210.570.7888 | C: 210.240.0055 |
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