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  Sunday, 28 January 2024
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Announcement from MIT Beaver Works

The MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute (BWSI) 2024 Summer Program prerequisite online courses registration is now open! This year, students can self-nominate/register – a teacher nomination is not required! For more detailed information on application process: please visit our website

This is for the BWSI 2024 summer program, the online prerequisite courses will open on 1 Feb 2024

Courses do not open until 1 February - students will not have access until then but register students early so they can be ready to go.

• Nominations for registration is continuous through 31 March, after March 31, students can still be nominated but will only be able to take the online courses, they will not be able to apply to the summer program.
• Teachers, prior BWSI students, and teaching assistants (TAs) can also apply for online course access by using the same link below that the students use to apply to the online program

Student Self-Registration step - If you are a student and want to sign-up. Students can sign-up for the pre-requisite online course (EDLY platform) using this form ( ).

• Student will receive their unique ID number after they complete and submit their registration for the online course.
• We encourage students to let their teachers and counselors know about their participation in our program as you will need a recommendation for the summer application portion.
• The online course will open for study on 1 February 2024, students will also need to self-register on Piazza to be able to participate in the course Q&A forums. Piazza information will be found in the courses when they open.
• All online courses will remain open for independent learners, even if they are not accepted into the July program.

The Beaver Works Summer Institute is pleased to announce that we are planning on 13 program offerings for summer 2024, 8 virtual and 5 in-person ( Attached is a handout that you can post in your school.

BWSI 2024 online courses are available as a series of self-paced units for students to follow independently. These courses are prerequisite material for participation in the 2024 BWSI Summer Program, which will be taught at a higher level and will address more research-oriented technologies, techniques, tools, and applications. Your participation and performance in the online curriculum will be one of the metrics used to determine acceptance into the 4-week program being held in July 2024.

The courses utilize the Edly education platform for the materials that include educational content, lab exercises, and skill reviews. The online courses are a prerequisite to our summer program and will provide background information and familiarity with the program’s materials specific to each course. The online material include course-specific content as well as more general technical content like Python programming and tools like using GitHub, that are used across many of the courses.

This year there will be a fee for the program, any family that has an income over $150,000 will be required to pay $1,750.There will be no fee for the program for any family that has income of less then $150,000.

Students will start to hear from us in the next week.

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Beaver Works Summer Institute Frequently Asked Questions

Beaver Works Summer Institute Application Process -
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