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The Aerospace Corporation assisted Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC) with a book
Stories of Women in STEM: Space
The Aerospace Corporation sponsored the development and launch of a new digital book with the Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC) called Women in Space. This free resource has stories from women leaders from the past, present, and future all with a career around Space. We hope this will bring stories about diverse women into more classrooms.
When was the last time you looked at the stars? What do you hope for the future of space research and exploration? Many scientists ask themselves these questions. The Smithsonian Science Education Center presents Stories of Women in STEM: Space, to tell the stories of eleven brilliant women who have been important figures in the study of space and are leading current research and exploration.
All eleven women featured in the book have faced challenges and setbacks but have continued to overcome structural barriers to advance the science, technology, engineering, and math industry.